the blog's title is piled up with 3 凄凉 heads....
凄凉 No.1 Talk
凄凉 No.2 Play
凄凉 No.3 Love
LOVE said the edited pics will come out....
n here it is...
i've been laughing while editing....
well let me explain...
there r 5 different versions:

this is the "COLD" version...

this is the food version... juz look at the head n hair... don't look at the body... then u know wad i mean by PAU PAU, NANAS & PEACH....

ok u get this right? don't tell me u dont....
Sunny : Talk, she 中暑...
Windy : Play, she is cold..
Rainy : Love, she is wet..

Talk, Play n Love r criminals.......
Talk was caught....
Play is aimed by a gun....
Love is wanted...

if u dont get this 1 i 吐血给你看....
Talk bought a new phone n used it too much.... so the phone died...
Play have no luck in winning games these days..... lost 2 a tic-tac-toe challenge...
Love's money had left her n she's heart broken.... too hard 2 say goodbye...
so the conclusion is 2 words...
if u wan 2 c the original... juz look at the top of this blog~ =)
pics edited by : Play