Sunday, May 30, 2010

funny bet

oscar and kitty made a bet.
the bet is, oscar will ask a girl that kitty picked for him to have lunch together,
then kitty will pay for them.
If the girl doesnt want to have lunch together, then oscar counted as fail the bet!
he needs to pay for kitty!
oscar lost the bet!
he needs to belanja all of us, because he wants to delay the bet until this week.
soooo, today he belanja all of us lurr! HAHAAAA!

after that, i made a bet with joshua tooo!
i'll ask a guy to have lunch together!
if he agrees then joshii will pay for me!
suddenly i saw zhiqi's bro,sherwu!
then i say i pick this guy! HAHAHAA! =p
but then too bad, he went down with his friends to have lunch d!
sooo i say next time lorr! hahaa

when we wanna go back, then i saw sherwu and his friend walking to the canteen.
we're goin to canteen tooo, kitty and oscar wanna eat! LOL
then i tell joshua, if i go to flirt the guy then he'll belanja me.

sherwu was paying money that time, then i straight away walk to him and talk to him!
i saw his face was shocked! LOL!
i say, i belanja you this soya larrr!!
then he showed me a shy shy face and say no need larrr! HAAHAHA!
sooooo damn cutee weihh!!
i know cute is not a compliment for guys, but then it at least better than adorable right! =p

soooooo the main point of this post is,
sherwu is CUTE when hes shy!!! HAHAHAAAA! =p


Saturday, May 29, 2010


yesterday was public holiday! Hee.
but, we stil have to go to tuition! ><
summore is in the morning,8o'clock!!!!! LOL!

something happened after tuition, was in adler's house!
i was staring at his house's aquarium, which is full of gold fish! damn cuteeee! =p
suddenly a gold fish which is upside down and floating comes into my sight view!
then i was damn shocked!
me: AHHHHH! Adler! Your fish is dead!!
*Adler went in and check out.*
Adler: heyy, its not dead. It just doesn't float well.
adler, your sooooo CUTEE! =p

after that we went to MCD to study! LOL!
met some new friends there!
a lenglui, noelle!!!
shes darn sexy and kinda pretty! WOOOOOOTS~ =p
nice to meet herrr! Hee. =p

today, we went to library AGAIN!
seeee, how rajin i am! =p
my sis followed us toooo~
lunch time, we went to a half coffee shop,half mamak shop to have our lunch!
my sis and oscar ordered roti hawaii, hotdogs,egg,bacon,pineapple is wrapped by roti canai! HAHAHAAA!!! taste good!
i ordered nasi goreng chicken chop! WOOOOTS~ damn nicee! and special!
kitty and joshii ordered something which is consider normal, spaghetti with cabonara sauce! LOL!
drinks for me and sis was honeydew special! =p iLOVEhoneydew!!!!!!
joshii finish his milo ice within 1mins! LOL! how fast is he!!!!!!
have a nice day today!

i love to spend my time with you guys, seriously!!!
i know all of us are enjoyed!! Hee. =p

PS: my sis's driving skill frightened all of them! =p

there is a video and some pictures wanna share at hereee! =p!/photo.php?pid=1216722&id=1040786922


Thursday, May 27, 2010

❤ 珍惜你身边那个爱生气的女人

❤ 珍惜你身边那个爱生气的女人

* 她总是问:你在哪?你干什么呢?
- 她很关心你,只是想跟你说说话;你不给她发信息,她很矛盾, 怕你在忙,但又忍不住想你..换了别人,爱干嘛就干嘛, 她根本不会去关心..所以请你一有时间就问候她一下, 让她放心,让她知道你心里有她..她总是主动联系你,她会觉得她贱!

* 她说:天冷了,记得多穿衣服 ~
- 不要嫌她烦,不要说她像你妈,你妈妈有时可能都比不上她对你的关心..换了别人,冻死也不关她的事!她知道你不傻,她只想让你知道她心里有你!

* 她说:我不高兴了
- 不要怪她无理取闹,她不是真的不开心,只是想你了,只是想要你几句安慰的话:乖 ~ 别闹了!

* 她总说自己又胖了或者长得不够漂亮
- 不要觉得她嫉妒别人,她只是怕在你眼中不够完美!

* 她总说你看谁谁谁他们怎么怎么样
- 不要说她贪慕虚荣,总羡慕别人,她只是想让你知道怎样做能使她高兴!

* 她说你看谁多有钱,长得多帅
- 你不用生气,在她眼里,你是最好的,她只是想让你为了她努力奋斗!

* 她不分场合的抱你
- 她不是炫耀什么,只是想让别人知道你俩有多好!

* 她总说她会帮你,让你有事找她
- 其实她知道她帮不了你什么,她只想让你知道你还有她,她永 远在你身边陪你!

* 不论是过马路还是走在哪,她用手死死拽住你的胳臂
- 不要说她粘人,她只是告诉你她信任你!

* 她总是走在你的左边
- 不要说她多事,她只是想离你的心更近一些!

* 她看到你跟别的女生亲近一些就会生气
- 别说她小气,不信任你,她其实是在吃醋,这表示她十分在乎你!

* 她爱忧伤,爱掉泪
- 别怪她多愁善感,她只是缺乏安全感,你要知道,她很少会为别人流泪!

* 在买东西时她总征求你的意见
- 别说她没主见,依赖你,她只是尊重你,凡事以你为先!

* 出去吃饭,她吃得很少说吃不了,让你替她吃
- 别说她挑食或者浪费,她只是怕你吃不饱!

* 买东西她总买便宜的
- 别说她小气,她只是想为你省钱!

* 给你买东西,总买贵的
- 你可能不需要,不喜欢,但别怪她浪费,她只是想告诉你她可要把最好的留给你!

* 跟你在一起总爱玩失踪
- 别说她淘气,吓唬你,她只是爱看你急着找她的样子,证明一下她对你来说是重要的!

* 她总假装生气转身离开
- 记住,她不是真地想走,离开时想要被挽留!

* 她会突然冷淡你,或向你撒娇
- 别怪她孩子气,她只是想让你哄哄她!

❤ 永远不会发脾气的女人就如 同一杯白开水 -- 解渴,却无味!

* 你迟到,她向你发脾气
- 是因为她紧张你,她怕你出了什么意外!

* 你抽烟,她向你发脾气
- 是因为她担心你的身体健康!

* 你喝酒,她向你发脾气
- 是因为她担心你酒醉后没有人照顾,更 怕你在酒吧会出什么事,留下她一个人!

* 你身上被发现有别的女人香,她向你发脾气
- 是因为她在乎你,你是她的所有,她不想跟别人分亨你!

* 你忘记她的生日,她向你发脾气
- 是因为她对你有所期待,她并不会要求一个陌生人记住她的生日!

❤ 女人是最讲理的动物,她的脾气往往导因于各式各样的理由!
❤ 女人也是最不讲理的动物,她的理由经常令人无法理解!

❤ 女人可以为了一件小得不能再小的事,发一场大得不能再大的脾气,因为女人对身边的男人有所要求,有所期望,所以常常会失望;失落..

❤ 身边有个会向你发脾气的女人,其实是一件多么幸福的事 !
而身边有一个会让自己发脾气的男人,对女人是最大的折磨,也是莫大的幸福 !

❤ 假如有一天,她不在为你生气 ..

❤ 当有一天,女人不在对男人发脾气的时候,那么一切就即将结束了!

exam week!

this week and next week are exam weeks~
but each week i get one day holiday! Hee. =p
tomorrow is wesak day and next week tuesday is mandarin exam!
so i'll just go to library with the gang again! =p

dont go soooo far first! LOL
tomorrow imma going to adler's house to tt and then only go to MCD to study!
seeee, imma RAJIN girl, dont say im lazy d larrr! HAHAHAAAA! =p

missyou missyou! =p

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Why The Hell am i always be the one who wants to stick with you?!!
and you felt annoying.

im really sick of that! WTF!

sometimes i might wondering why i bother sooooo MUCH! ><



girls always change their mind,
they can change even one second,
sooooo, make sure you accompany her all the time.

you fail!

the curve,
went away alone.
walked around,target-less.
saw a piano performance in the curve.

i didn know that you will give up so easily.
you made my day dull.

ate ice cream to make me feel better,
2MCD's ice cream and 1 matcha's ice cream!


Saturday, May 22, 2010


hmm, yesterday i chat with mk!!!
we're still friend! =p

the glittering days-15episodes!!!

-LOVE- [ not in the mood to study! >< ]

Friday, May 21, 2010

exam timeeee

exam started from today!
im not in the mood to study lerrr.
maybe im just used to be lazy girl d, didn put much effort in this exam.
wonder when am i gonna be more hardworking,love to study?
probably after secondary school?
cause no need to study something i dont like anymore!
althought it has alot of assignment to do in college.
i wanna study in aus or somewhere else, but not malaysia!
seriously, i dont like malaysia's college or even university,
because it doesnt look like an university.
maybe im just too much of novel, good imagination huh?! HAA

kayy, stop crapping!
phys is the first subj of the mid term.
wonder whos the one who arranged the timetable? obviously, shes suck!

yesterday, i was watching drama-the glittering days, until 9pm. watched 3episode! =p
since im not in the mood to study yet, i called kitty! Hee. =p
after that only i started to study! HAAA! *everyone knows that imma lazy girl! =p*
10something, felt kinda tired, then went to sleep! [im soooooo RELAX huh! =x ]
msged kitty to wake me up whe hes awake, cause hes doing the same thing too--go to sleep first and study early in the morning!
actually i set alarm d, ring at 12am. but......i set 12pm! >< *damn blur that time*
luckily when 3am, kitty wake me up! HAAA~
studied from 3.15 until 4.30am! cant tahan d, then went to sleep again!

-i dont usually drink coffee, but today i bought it and bring it to school! w0w!miracle!!! =p

total time i studied phys yest is 2hours ++
think im cool huh?!
actually, i've spammed phys at wed and thurs!
went to tt for 3hours each day, means 6hours!!!!

i found that physics is not that worse larrr, is the teacher makes me feel like that!
thanks to the SCHOOL TEACHER!!!!

end up, i think im gonna get C or B? say bye to A............
nevermind, just put more effort on next exam, or end year exam!

anyways, my motto is still the same!
monthly test is for you to fail, after few times you failed, then you will get used to it! it doesnt matter if you fail the exam, as long as you can score in SPM,its more than enough d!! -dr.fong- i salute you! im gonna miss you!

today is friday, soooooo kitty's mum is sending me home.
and yet, kitty forgot today is fri!
he straight away walked down after exam! ><
luckily his mum haven go, if not........... HAHAAAA! * i didn bring my phone.*

sometimes i do hate you, but i like you is definately more than sometimes!
is it sweet? yeaaa! =p

-LOVE- [im still not in the mood to study! how? ]

Saturday, May 15, 2010


if the school teachers are as good as what you thought, then tuition teachers are for?
most of the students are goin to tt, why?
because school teachers are USELESS!!! most of it! PS:not all the teachers!
dont get me wrong huh!

absent isnt a big deal!
and pls larrr!
we're goin to school to learn right!
since i cant learn anything in school, but in tt!
why not i just skip school and go to tt!

you say no logic?
dont live in your own world lar pls!
even chong hwa's teacher not 100% good okay!

i go to tt, is to get good result not go to play or hangout at somewhere else!
i want to get good result too! who doesnt want to!
i dont really understand what the teachers talking about, okay?!

i didn say dr.xxxx not good enough!
its just that i found a lesser students' tt, and i can understand exactly what hes trying to say, so why not i change to this tt?!
the purpose im goin to tt, is to get a better result right?!

you say i join all the tt what kitty had joined?!
LOL! eventhough we're goin to the same tt, we didn talk in the class, SO WHAT?!
you dont believe me, thats the point huh?!

do you think im the only one is goin to that tt?!
you want everyone to match up with my time, they dont need to tt huh?!
i know you pay, but you think how much your paying?
dont think its a huge amount, okay?!

you both are just tooooo outdated?
and dont believe me. THATS ALL!


Thursday, May 13, 2010

new experience! 13/5/2010

went to hospital selayang today, to check out my skin problem!
get lots of medicine LOL!
1antibodies, 1 allergy medicine, 3 cream and 1 is to rinse my legs! HAHAAA!
2packets arrrrr!!!

im goin back once again in the end of june!
to do a patch test!
patch test is to see which materials that im allergy to.
soooooo, maybe i can skip school for a week? if i dont want to go!

❤ you'll be there for me whenever i need you!


Saturday, May 8, 2010


someone weird find me to fb chat just now.

theres the conversation:



can u speak english


u know ure so beatiful


can u be my g.f.

i got bf d

ahhhhhh do uhave relatives or neibors have no b.f

xxxx xxx

thats gil
i mean girl
ok isee u later

What a weird person huh!


days! -short updates-


kitty has flu,
i convinced him to eat the medicine, so called sneezing medicine.
actually its medicine for fever. LOL
i told him after he ate the medicine..................... LOL
he didn come at the next day!


today went to library with kitty and friend.
kitty helped me in my essay! Hee.
but then, the essay is only 431WORDS!!! LOL
WTH!!! still got 600words to go!! URGHHH!!!
spent half day to write the essay and add maths!! LOL
eat one hour. LOL
walk to somewhere kinda far to eat, cause the cafeteria thr is closed! LOL

you say we arent like couple....
hahahaaa! =p
you didn see we both in the class lurrr!
i always stick with him, seriously! Hee. =p

i ❤LOVE to spend my day with him! =p