at least beside someone's...
there's a road...
small small 4 2 cars 2 pass through...
just came back from shell...
the weather nice dao~~~~~
so we just sit outside.....
u noe....
our love 4 TPL dono fly 2 where liao...
so no love 4 TPL means die.......!!!!!
this is how talk died....

first she was slapped.....

den kena buang beside the road....
play(me) died like dis....

first kicked.....

kick until wan 2 die so going 2 jump liao....(the place 2 jump down is a very deep longkang)
love, is really a kasihan way 2 die...

she was punched by her lover....

den her lover use a cheap second-hand-for-onli-RM20,000 avanza car n 撞her....
but we die in a very good way....
bcoz before we die we got ice cream eat leh!!

but we r back!!!!
coz exam's ova!!!!! (别想歪哦~! is over de meaning)
me ponteng skul juz 2 write dis post leh!!!!
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