I know you love baby-pooh alot.
sexy babe!
I printed this 2photos and pasted it in your birthday card, remember?
I made the card myself!
do you still remember when we met each other?
Form 1-Pusat intergriti!
do you still remember why we got scolded together?
We were too noisy in the class.
four of us always kena complained by the teachers there.
selina, brenda, you & me.
we cant stop talking in sejarah class.
we were the noisiest gang in the class.
Hmm, im pretty sure that the teacher wants to sew our lips,
so that we cant talk in his class.
another time was during maths class,
do you still remember the pretty maths teacher?
she caught us lepak-ing in the toilet during her class.
science class-mr.siva.
he always cant pronounce your Qi properly.
thats why your name-ZhiQi sounds like ZhiKi.
the principal of Intergriti-Mr.Peter.
He warned you lots of times d right?
end up, your mum changed your tuition classes' timetable.
we gotta separate....
after sometime, we go to the same tuition AGAIN! =p
we were trio that time, with vivian-the sexy lady!
we hangout together during holidaysssss!
Do you still remember both of us walked from TheCurve to OneUtama?
Just two of us.
we dont even know how to go, just simply walk.
and we finally reached OneU after half an hour walk.
you kept complaining to me that the weather is damn hot.
theres another time we wanted to hangout together with vivian,
but she said she cant go, so lefted both of us.
we walked from old wing to new wing, then new wing back to old wing again for 9times!!!
until both of us were exhausted,
we bought a MCD's sundae cone and sit infront of the shop--Body Glove.
its because opposite of body glove's shop theres a salon which has alot of lengzais. =p
You lied on my shoulder. =p
the people passed by were thinking what we've done, because we looked so exhausted!!
Do you still remember why we call WeiZhong as daddy?
OneU again.
He paid for us to ride the lil doggy!! *beside GSC's escalator.
three bucks each!!!
He misses you so much!
Two months ago, you came to the addmaths & maths tuition.
I love the conversation between you & the teacher. =p
everytimes, after the teacher taught you how to solve the question,
you'll say '' Ohhhhhhh! CHEH!!!!! I also know how to do larr! so easy! ''
Last tuesday, teacher asked how much you got for addmaths,
you said '' haiyorrrr, i improved d larrr! ''
then the teacher tease you. =p
I will not forget all these memories that we had been through together, FOREVER!
*I just read through your blog, I read all the posts!
I cant stop myself from thinking of you whenever i see something related to you.
I'll just stare at the thing for some time.
Then only i realised,
I think of you once again.
I love the way you talk.
I love the way you smile.
I love the way you laugh.
Hyper-active, always release positives aura & optimistic girl-ZhiQi,
I love you & miss you alot.
Dont worry, you wont be alone.
I'll always be with you. ❤
As we go on,
We remember all the times we had together.
And as our lives change,
Come whatever,
We will still be Friends Forever!
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