Monday, December 27, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
one-u day
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
I shall move on without her,
in fact i'm moving on,
but the pieces in my heart are still missing her.
what to do?
for me, she's an unforgettable character.
you said,
don't do this to her,
you'll make her cant leave peacefully.
how i wish i could do the same thing as you do.
I tried my best,
but when i'm alone,
all i think about is her.
the memories i had been through with her.
You're not that close with her,
you dont really have sweet memories with her before,
thats why you can say like its non-of-your-business.
anyways, thanks for the advice.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
❤One Month

Friday, October 1, 2010

I know you love baby-pooh alot.
sexy babe!
I printed this 2photos and pasted it in your birthday card, remember?
I made the card myself!
do you still remember when we met each other?
Form 1-Pusat intergriti!
do you still remember why we got scolded together?
We were too noisy in the class.
four of us always kena complained by the teachers there.
selina, brenda, you & me.
we cant stop talking in sejarah class.
we were the noisiest gang in the class.
Hmm, im pretty sure that the teacher wants to sew our lips,
so that we cant talk in his class.
another time was during maths class,
do you still remember the pretty maths teacher?
she caught us lepak-ing in the toilet during her class.
science class-mr.siva.
he always cant pronounce your Qi properly.
thats why your name-ZhiQi sounds like ZhiKi.
the principal of Intergriti-Mr.Peter.
He warned you lots of times d right?
end up, your mum changed your tuition classes' timetable.
we gotta separate....
after sometime, we go to the same tuition AGAIN! =p
we were trio that time, with vivian-the sexy lady!
we hangout together during holidaysssss!
Do you still remember both of us walked from TheCurve to OneUtama?
Just two of us.
we dont even know how to go, just simply walk.
and we finally reached OneU after half an hour walk.
you kept complaining to me that the weather is damn hot.
theres another time we wanted to hangout together with vivian,
but she said she cant go, so lefted both of us.
we walked from old wing to new wing, then new wing back to old wing again for 9times!!!
until both of us were exhausted,
we bought a MCD's sundae cone and sit infront of the shop--Body Glove.
its because opposite of body glove's shop theres a salon which has alot of lengzais. =p
You lied on my shoulder. =p
the people passed by were thinking what we've done, because we looked so exhausted!!
Do you still remember why we call WeiZhong as daddy?
OneU again.
He paid for us to ride the lil doggy!! *beside GSC's escalator.
three bucks each!!!
He misses you so much!
Two months ago, you came to the addmaths & maths tuition.
I love the conversation between you & the teacher. =p
everytimes, after the teacher taught you how to solve the question,
you'll say '' Ohhhhhhh! CHEH!!!!! I also know how to do larr! so easy! ''
Last tuesday, teacher asked how much you got for addmaths,
you said '' haiyorrrr, i improved d larrr! ''
then the teacher tease you. =p
I will not forget all these memories that we had been through together, FOREVER!
*I just read through your blog, I read all the posts!
I cant stop myself from thinking of you whenever i see something related to you.
I'll just stare at the thing for some time.
Then only i realised,
I think of you once again.
I love the way you talk.
I love the way you smile.
I love the way you laugh.
Hyper-active, always release positives aura & optimistic girl-ZhiQi,
I love you & miss you alot.
Dont worry, you wont be alone.
I'll always be with you. ❤
As we go on,
We remember all the times we had together.
And as our lives change,
Come whatever,
We will still be Friends Forever!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
I gave her a birthday present since her birthday is quite close d!
BBQ party~
after that we went to her room & kenggai, sing & LAUGH together!! =p
listened to tanya's songs which made us feel so down after listen to it!!!!
around 9.30pm, we went down for round2! =p
aate satey & salad!
we were BBQ-ing the chicken,
but suddenly my mum came,
sooooooo we lefted all the chicken for gwen!!
Oh yaaaa, we drank wine tooo!
5of us finished half of the bottle! =p
we should try again during my birthday time!
Lets go to get some red wine!!! =p
Hmm, he replied me again!!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Woke up pretty early, to pack our luggages! =p
after that, we went to Targets [ The shopping complex ] to buy things again!
went back home to meet up uncle sam and my relatives!
had our brunch together with another bunch of relatives.
i ate alot! =p
The dimsum there is damn nice! Big & cheap! =p
16ppl-- 35 plates of dimsum!
Then, we went to another auntie's house.
she treated us some apple scredle!
its damn nice weihhhh!!!
my parents and cousins' parents ditched us to go shopping!
sooooooo we watched G.I.JOE!
they came back and asked us to go when we're watching the most exciting part!!
WTH!! *wasted our time to stay there! i would rather go and meet my lengzai & lenglui cousins!!
Next, we went to another auntie's house!
LOL! we got quite alots of uncles and aunties.
went to uncle eddy's house to eat after done chit-chatting. =p
wasted! =x
Monday, September 13, 2010
day 3 & day 4
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
seth's birthday! + my piano theory exam!
after theory exam,
went to seth's house and waited for eddy to fetch us! =p
*seth's sissy damn CUTE!
bought movie tickets--CATS & DOGS-revenge of kitty galore!
Hmm, for those who think themselves are very mature wouldnt watch this show! LOL
I dont actually admit myself are old!
soooooooo, I do LOVE this movie!
after that, went to MCD to have our brunch.
i bought sushi from jusco and eat at there. =p
after brunch, is movie time!
we met qy,gwen and sharon while eddy's buying drinks and popcorn! =p
when i called them,
three of them ''ehhh~~~~~~~~'' together!
hahaa!!! damn funny! =p
2hours later, we came out from the threater.
seth wanna watch grown ups.
then, we went to buy tickets again.
forgot to mention just now, we bought 2adults and 2children's tickets!!! =p
me and shenise were the kiddos. eddy and seth were the adults!
1and half hours later, we came out from the threater again!
qy,gwen and sharon bought a camera for me d!
nikon coolpix, S570
i wanna watch step up3,
soooooooo, seth accompany me lurrrr! =p
The round3 battle between pirates and samurai is AWESOME!!!
thumbs up to PIRATES!! =p
2hours later, we came out from the threater AGAIN!!!
went to find eddy!
Hmm, hes alone. sobsssss!
he passed me the camera! =p
SETH, happy birthday!
Happy always!
Hmm, i met weiyang 3times!
first, at kepong baru, when i was waiting for my sissy to fetch me to seth's house.
second, at one u, just passed through.
third, at one u jusco, im choosing which sushi box to buy. he was there too!
we[me & seth] hang on the phone for 1 and half hours!
WOOOOOTS! Its free! =p
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Last wednesday night,
i baked cookies myself for the very very FIRST TIME!! =p
Everyone asked me these cookies are for who?
The next day,
I gave it to my dear, seth!
and he replied DONT WANT DONT WANT DONT WANT!!!!!!
i was like WHATTHEHELL!!
I've wasted my time to bake!
Then, i give everyone one piece to try!
Friday, August 13, 2010
BSD club!
i'll update bout what we did yesterday.
Nothing Fun yesterday, just like normal! =p
chinese class*debate
WOAAHHH! my sweetheart,pheyyi is sooooooo COOL! =p
After school, we went to club straight away!
Changed clothes and went to eat!
NORMAL LIFE jerrrrr!
After that, went for GYM!!
around 4.30pm, we signed out!
Found a place to REST and TALK!!! =p
i know we do love this section very much!!
Hee. =p
Thats what girls do when they have nothing else to do!
lazyy to continue.......
we met form5 guys, nicholas,gerald and weihunn.
WE ARE talk,play, love and seth!! =p
long time no come back!!
n it's all my fault!!
i know...
im lazy...
n u think i 4got...
i still came back!!!
wah from the looks of this blog...
it's very very Lovey-dovey liao...
thx 2 love..!!
n where is tat TALK??
all talk no type..!!
so i'm back ya all!!
2 talk about our day at club!!!
i'll leave that 2 Love 2 post.....
u wan 2 reason??
1. i m LAZY.... play's lazy u all shud know...!!
2. i m going 2 PLAY.... play wad?? too bad u cant know!! XD
3. i m tired... thx 2 my mom's frens n my OWN frens... ( i m looking at u two talk n love... ==)
4. my body is aching.... ALSO thx 2 my mom's frens n my OWN frens...
there these r the reasons~~
at least it wont be too LOVEY~~
feel the playfulness!!!
from the 2day's most perasan person
Thursday, August 12, 2010
These 2days!
i really had fun these 2days!!!! =p
yesterday was pheyyi's birthday!
she has became my sweetheart d!! =p
we bought secret recipe's cake--chocolate indulgence!
WOOOOOTS!! its sooooo damn nice!! though it melted when we eat.
specially thanks to weihunn!!!
TPL drew a EXTRAORDINARY CARD for my sweetheart!! =p
today was FREAKING FUN tooooo!!!
our class last minute wanna join the choir competition!
it was really LAST MINUTE!!!
we practiced 30minutes before the competition starts!
Jalur Gemilang!
Hmm, i felt im kinda fail, 16years live in MY,
until now i still cant memorize the lyrics of Jalur Gemilang!!!
The judge was JEALOUS of clement's bunga raya!!!! =p
4G sings Here in My Home!
Kinda niceee!!!
I love the GIRLS' PART!!! =p
After that, we went back to 4G!
Of course, FREEZE tooooo!!! =p
After school, when we were walking,
suddenly all of us FREEZED!!!!
FUN!!! =p
Everyone was staring at us and wondering what we're doing! =p
We planned something FUN! =p
cant wait until that time larrrrrrrr!
she accompanied me to salon and straighten my hair!!!
and weihunn tooo!
half way come to find me.!
YOU GUYS ROCK MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Saturday, August 7, 2010
comments on you & me.
永远,曾经你让我相信了它再把它摧毁。 永远,只是一下不切实际的话,我不会再相信! 翻回以前的回忆,才发觉我多么的可笑。 我,不会让它再发生,傻傻地等着你。
''I'm sorry.''
-Why did you do something which your sorry in the first place?-
-How about dont do anything I'm sorry for?-
Friday, August 6, 2010
talk's meaningful birthday..T^T...XD!!!
talk's here....
kesiannya aku ni..
the day my birthday, the day i fell sick..
i din go skul for days...
but now, i'm still soar throat,runny nose, headache,stomach muscle pain,coughing....
i miss those ppl in skul!!!!!
how i wish im able to go skul..
thanks to the friends who called me, sms me,and those care bout me.... touching~~
actually we planned to celebrate qy's birthday!
but, lotsa ppl cannot make it!
left both of us. LOL!
after school,
had ''lunch'' at mamak with weihunn and yijian.
Then, both of us ran to the bus that just reached!
we didnt know its a one way bus! LOL!
waited at metro prima's bus stop!
Finally, around 3pm we reached the curve!
went to sing k until 7pm.
my mum called me twice. LOL
the first call, she was scolding me! *i didnt ask for permission. =x
second call, she sounded kinda calm d! LOL!
after buying some stuffs, she kept asking me whether want to eat anything.
skipped my dinner.
I dont want anyone to get hurt.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
celebrated her birthday at secret recipe with liern,gwen,weihunn and ME! =p
4girls with 1guy is kinda weird?
NVM, we're all friends what! =p
kinda happppyyyyyy!
Monday, August 2, 2010
MTVASIA world stage 2010 live in Malaysia!
went to mtv world stage!!!
really enjoyed! =p
reached home at 2.40am!
wonder girls and katy perry tooooo! =p
stood under the rain and waited forrr sooooooo freaking long time!
Tokio hotel made everything worth it! =p
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Our class, 4cekal won the inter-form debate today!! =p
The title of the debate is PMR should be abolished!!!
once again, congratulations to our class's debaters!!
adler,chrishen and chienling!!
I told the exchange student, Laura ''YOU'RE SO COOL!'' =p
Monday, July 26, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
going to BU4's carnival! hahaa!
but then, half way changed plan!
we saw few ang moS in the carnival!! =p
WOOOTS! got one almost same age with us derrr, damn LENGZAI!!!! =p
peihui damn yeng derr!
she said the bubble tea made by her class damn nice,
so we all go to try!
but end up, NOT NICE!!!
then she made one for us!!!
WOW!!! shes damn YENG!!! =p
we changed our plan to watch movie in ou!
suggestion: inception,despicable me and the sorcerer's apprentice!
at last, 4ppl watched the sorcerer's apprentice,3ppl watched despicable me and 2ppl watched inception!
Its kinda funny when i bought the tickets! =p
watched 3back to back movies with QY! =p
no time to eat lerr!!! sooooo, skipped lunch!! hahaaa~
DIET marr! =p
Thursday, July 22, 2010
yay!! =p
we discussed bout the genting trip together in 4jujur!!!
darn happy!!!
we planned everything, talked lots of stuffs and LAUGHED TOGETHER!!!!!!!
really enjoyed that moment with you guys!!!!
OMG!! i really cant wait until that day!!!
i wanna gooooooo this trip so BADLY!!!
im pretty sure that we can have lots of fun together!!!! =p
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
after MCD we planned to walk to jalan ara, adler's house!!
when we passed through bestari,
we saw a coconut which oscar named it as cocky!!
*sounds so wrong!*
he planned to kick all the way to adler's house!!!
we gonna go up the hill, and he gonna kick the cocky up the hill! hahaaa!!!
after we reached thr, adler told us the tuition was CANCELED!!!!!!!
end up, we played cards thr!!
kitty dont know how to play ''chor dai di''
he learned darn slowww!!!!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
what a weird combination eh!
chewing gum came and ruined the partyy!!! LOL!
hate herrrrr!
after he gone back, all of us are damn sad larr!!!
seth,zhiquan and weihunn cried!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
seriously, i cant imagine my school life without you!
no one to argue with me!
no one to shout*reply, at me while im yelling!
no one to make me happy while im emo!
think lots of stuffs when im listening to the song--friends forever!
As we go on,
we remember all the time we had together!
and As our lives change,
come whatever,
we will still be FRIENDS FOREVER!!!!
Monday, July 12, 2010
im pretty sure that everyone misses that day very much, am i right? =p
kinda lazy to write out everything,
so im gonna summarize it! =p
10am- seth,eddy,bernard and yunjyn were the first one who reached my house!
then followed by kexin,sharon,deanna,yen nee and weikoon!
we started to bake muffins and guys were watching movie--kick ass!
4pm- went to swimming pool and played water!
6.30pm- dinner time--lok lok!!! =p
8pm- watched video we made for daddy*weizhong!!!
my living room turned to DISCO!!!! almost everyone was singing and dancing!!! =p
went out to have a stroll! end up, we played and took lots of pictures in the playgroud!!!
10pm- played poker cards and sing k! *Adler, WOOOOOTS~
11.30pm- almost everyone went back d!!
12.00am- left 11ppl--me, daddy, weihunn, zhiquan, qy, gwen, kexin, sharon, bin quan,
weiseng and yunjyn! we started our conversation!
5am- time for bed! =p
7am- all of us woke up!
hopefully everyone was really enjoyed that night!
hearts you daddyyyy!!!!
im gonna miss you ALOT!!!
Monday, July 5, 2010
hahaa! darn excited!
but now, maybe got a big changes!! LOL!
everything is not confirmed yet!
thursday is the chinese singing competition d!
but until now, me weizhong and weiseng havent sing together before!!!!
soooooo, dontknowhow lurrr!
anyways we just wanna have fun!
just for happiness! =p
Sunday, July 4, 2010
hearts you! =p
we went to desa park city to celebrate her birthday!!!
after we reached thr, we just lepak here and thr!
we had our DINNER at 5something!
we're having dinner while the others are playing!
of course, we're playing while most of them are having dinner! =p
what a weird gang!! =p
after ''dinner'', we walked around at the garden!
took lotsa weird pictures thr! Hee. =p
of course, we started to get HIGH!!!
HIGH HIGH HIGH!!!!!!!! =p
then gone CRAZY!!!! lalala~
we went to the playground and play like lil kiddo!!!!
most of them are looking at us, but WHO CARES~
when we play the ''swing'' with a lil girl, we sing those children's song so damn loud and laugh like a mad person!!!
sooooooo HIGH!
i know we darn sampat, but we had fun!!!!!!
soooooo, dont care lurrr!!!
we played at the playground for 2hours ++
im most childish among the gang! hahahaa!
as long as im happy, i wont care what you think of me!!
i dont feel pain if you hate me, right? =p
we bought sushi and eat at's place!
hahaa! =p
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
went to hospital in this morning!
i found out what im allergy to!
nickel, plastic(preparation of plastic).........
coins are clasified under nickel! LOL!
after that, gwen and qy came to my hse to sing k!
after we had our lunch, we started to practice. LOL!
after quite some time, i found out that without me, you guys can sing well too.
soooooo, idontthink im gonna participate?
''excessive person''
Thursday, July 1, 2010
tomorrow is report card day!
and the last day i gotta go to hospital! perhaps? =p
i told my mum what i get in my class d,
so i dont worry bout it!
quite satisfied with my result!
lalala~ studied for a month lerrrrr!
even i get not-so-good result in my class,
but im still better than SOMEONE, right? =p
heyy, dont compete with others!
when you tried your best, thats enough d!
dont drive me mad! or else,i'll drive you crazy! =p
remember this! hahaaa!
if you really know me, you know im not kidding!
tomorrow gwen and qy gotta come to my house and sing sing sing~
long time didn sing together d!
last time we sing together everyday! Hee. =p
now, different class d, so seldom sing at school d lurr! ><
we decided to participate in this coming singing competition!
lalala~ its on thursday, and yet we havent start to practice!
COOOL huh! =p
cant wait to see weizhong singing on the stage!
maybe we'll argue a lil bit for the song again? LOL!
hope it wont happens! =p
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
but go back earlier larrrr, 12.30pm!
batu seremban~
i still remember last year, all the girls are crazy bout this!!!
now, even guys are addicted!
played with adler, clement, wicky and gerald!!
damn funny!
had fun!!!!! =p
after that, i went back home and took a bath and eat mee,mcd!!!
then went to hospital lurr!
waited for half an hour!!
darn sleepy derr~ LOL
the doctor took few so called IQ chamber and started to stick on my back!
then she said, rasa nak stick beberapa lagi!
she went out and took some again!
and now, the things are all on my back!!!!
i cant stretch for these few days!!!!
the only good thing is, i can be more gentle? LOL
not going to school tomorrow!!!! Hee. =p
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
i joined pattern only, not sparring!!
i dont want to injure myself!
i did wrong! damn obvious want!!
and the judge was looking at me!
hmph! darn embarrassing! LOL!
even i laughed at myself! hahahahaa~
but, i still get into second round. WTH!
lazy to go tmr, but everyone says i should go lerrrrr.
shall I or not?
during the opening ceremony, me, qy and sharon did something crazy!
woooots~ damn HIGH!!!!!! =p
all of us are sooooo excited about the farewell party! =p
daddy, I LOVE YOU! I MISS YOU!!!!!!! *hearts*
after that, all of them are going back d!
left me alone thr! T^T
kitty goes for sparring!
kitty VS alex ho
round1 - alex won
round2 - kitty won
round3 - draw
round4 - kitty gives up
hmm, at round 4 everyone thought that hes going to win alex!
but then kitty gives up!
he cannot tahan d! got double vision! hahahaaa!!
alex says, he'll gives up if keith didn give up! LOL
got one time, kitty flips alex, and alex is dreaming!
he feels that hes on the beach! LOL
after that, kitty vomit!!!!
hmm, damn disgusting!!!
LOL! cause alex keep on hit the same place on kitty's stomach!
talk's result..
since love talked about her result, i think i should do the same too...
keep wondering..
will my BM get an 'A' in SPM??
i missed it for both UPSR and PMR..
BI,i can do better actually..T^T
BIO,i'm out of bio..
PHY,tot it could be better..but,i missed
SEJ..WTF!!!i was laughing at the 'politik,palotik paleolitik..'BUT!!!!! that's one of the ques. i got WRONG!!!!!WTF!!
my maths and add m. is better this time..yea.
really need to put effort on it.
every time i got the result, i promise to do better next time..
but the result is still, not so good...
TELL ME!!!!!!!
despair talk..
Friday, June 25, 2010
i get back all the papers d!!!
hmm, quite satisfied! Hee. =p
got wrong for many stupid questions! ><
careless mitakes!
mr.kumar gonna kill me? hmph!
my only A+!
last exam i get B for my maths!
lalala~ i've improved! Hee. =p
today got back paper2 d!
did silly mistakes for few questions! ><
whatever! at least i still satisfied with the result for this exam!!!
i got no C this time! =p
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
lets talk bout results!
im quite satisfied with my results? LOL!
except for maths and addmaths!
did lots of silly mistakes!!!!
14 becomes 4,
+ becomes - ,
- becomes + ,
forgot to simplify the question!
but still get ok ok marks larr!
i didn know i can get 24 for the interview!!!
because i just use all the points thr, and add one extra point!
i get A!!
Hee. =p
add 10more marks!
because teacher didn give me marks at first! LOL!
quite okay~
still manage to get A though i did lots of silly mistakes too!
plus also can wrong!
quite okay too!
not that good and bad!
hahhaaa! =p
just normal!
overall, BLURCASE!
OMG! tomorrow is addmaths paper 2 and accounts!!!
pray hard for my paper2 and accounts bahhhh~
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
i have won 2tickets for MTV world stage 2010!!!!
just within 15mins!!!!
but its normal tickets larr!
i wanna get the express tickets!
gonna try again at 10pm!!!
wish me GOOD LUCK!!
i really need it later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im damn HYPER right now!!
Hee. =p
gone insane!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
its hard thought, but never try never know!
i know you still cannot forget bout him!
sometimes,we no need to forget all the bad memory.
just take it as a lesson.
we're not God, cannot control everything.
we cant control who we like, who likes us or who dislikes us.
soooooo, just take it easy! =p
for you:
he did ignore me!
but, i just dont care what he says,
because i know he used to insult ppl. LOL!
we're just friends, kayy?
i know you wont believe that! but its truth.
i wont and i cant replace you in your friends' heart!
if they do, i'll kill them first! Hee. =p
sooooooo, no worries!
i dont hate you, even you do hate me!
im not generous, or wanna act generous!
i really dont hate you. thats all!
Friday, June 18, 2010
i just created an accounts on formspring!
hahahaaa! =p
im just tooo BORING! LOL
Thursday, June 17, 2010
cause i sneaked out!!
i asked permission, but my parents dont allow! ><
i have no idea why i dare to do this!
i was soooo darn worried if my mom call me or call my house!!!
end up, my mom didn call me or my house! LOL
kayy, lets talk bout the movie! =p
watched karate kid and the A-team!
rate 5stars for the A-team!!!
its soooo FUNNY!!!
especially the insane pilot is driving the helicopter!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahaaa!
love him alot! lalala~
everyone loves yesterday, right!!!!! =p
attendance: 15person
me,bingquan,coco,yunjyn,waichong,weizhong,gwen,qy,sharon,kexin,yennee,leeqi,weiwen,yungjack ,nicholas!
bingquan's mum send us *me,coco,yunjyn,waichong* to ou!
i was craving for TAKOTAO!!!!
but the stall is not open yet! LOL
what to do? we're too early!
WAIT for 30mins!!!
THANKS DADDY-weizhong!!
your best daddy ever! qi,agree right! =p
he waited with me at the stall thr!
just for this 3balls! hahahahahaa
oh ya, forgot to mention bout my eyes!
LOL! maybe is because of fatigue,
my eyes is very uncomfortable plus im wearing contact lenses!!!!!
sooooo, i was like crying all the way!
everyone was staring at me! LOL
kinda embarrassing!! ><
we watched KILLERS! yay!
finally!!!!!!!! =p
after that, we want to go to the curve just to sing k!
crazy 16-teens!!! hahahahaa
especially 3 of us!
we walked damn fast until they cant see us!!
and lied to them that we lost gwen! hahhahaa!
redbox time~
we booked 2rooms! Hee. =p
me,gwen and qy one room!
and the others another room!
we gone crazy!!!! yay!
especially when we sing mayday's song!!!
keep on jumping on the sofa! LOL!
obviously,im the craziest! lalala~
sudd, got a worker come in and warn us not to hit the ''wall'' cause its made up of a piece of wood ONLY! hahahahahaa! =p
some of them come to our room sometime cause the other room too boring. LOL
when 3of us stick together, we dare to do everything! LOL
the same worker comes in again,
ask whether we need to change to another big size room,
cause its too many people in our small room!
then daddy tells him, we got another room d! hahahahaa!
the worker seems like kinda embarrass. LOL! *hes CUTE!!!!*
after that, we fly to their rooom and continue!!!
all of us are damn HIGH!!!!!
you raise me up!!!!!! Low!!!
'' Shawty had them Apple Bottom jeans, jeans
Boots with the fur, with the fur
The whole club was lookin' at her
She hit the flo', she hit the flo'
Next thing you know
Shawty got low low low low, low low low low
Them baggy sweat pants
And the Reeboks with the straps, with the straps
She turned around and gave that big booty a smack, ayy!
She hit the flo', she hit the flo'
Next thing you know
Shawty got low low low low, low low low low~ ''
离开地球表面and 对面的女孩看过来 tooo!!!!! =p
then we walked back to one u again!!
to take bus to metro prima!
i took out my contact lenses in the bus! Hee. =p
really cannot stand it anymore!!!
had dinner at restaurant QQ!
its bbq and steamboat buffet! =p
attendance: 25person
me,bingquan,coco,yunjyn,waichong,weizhong,audrey,vera,beatrice,qy,sharon,kexin,yennee,leeqi,weiwen,yungjack ,nicholas,choonsen,seth,eddy,bernerd,yihjun,leeyee,pheyyi,junkiat!
daddy served me because i was handicapped?!
ate quite lots of things!! lalala~
i took my chopsticks along and walked around to see what else i can eat!!!
seth keep on insulting me! ><
choon sen was shocked when he saw i eat everwhere!
lalala~ =p
picture session starts!
daddy and yungjack are taking picture with eveyone!!!! =p
everyone is walk around and kenggai!!! hahaha!
most relax time lerr!! =p
choon sen comes and join me and daddy's conversation!
first topic is me and kitty's thingy for suree! hahaha
then both of them are argue about something! damn funny~ =p
around 10pm, the dinner almost finish!
thanks to yungjack's mom,
she bought 2big packets of junkfoods for us!!!
beautiful memory!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
yungjack and weizhong's farewell party!
had fun today!!!!! =p
thank you daddy! weizhong!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
school is gonna reopens!!! ><
i dont wanna get my result larr!!
especially english!!
OMG! christena weihh!
im afraid that she'll critic me infront of the class!
kitty is coming back tomorrow night! Hee. =p
i want my souvenirs~!! =p
i wanna watch killers,karate kid and toy story3!!!!
i'll watch it during this last week of hols NO MATTER WHAT!!! =p
lets see whos the victim i will force to teman meeee?! =p
tomorrow we gonna walk to the curve then walk back to ou again?
happy day
despite something happened, everything is COOOL and HAPPY! =p
weizhong becomes me and zhiqi's daddy!
on fb,
we wrote around 10 comments within a minutes!
wow! new record!!!
darn happy now!!
eventhough im very tired, but i still dont wanna move out from fb!!!! =p
new talk.."ehhem!!"
u must be missing me..
so i'm back!!!
yes yes yes...
stop blaming me nt updating the blog..
T^T..i noe i'm lazy...
AND!! wat i hate the most is my compt was unavailable for a few months...
i HATE IT!!!!!
ya~n as u know,i cant survive..T^T..
then the most amazing, unbelievable thing happened..
my dad brought me to CC..
well, back to normal.
this year, talk play n love are finally separated...(cry~)
T n P,for the pure science class ;
L for pure sc + account..
oh~so sad lah!!
i remember the very first of the year,
Love told me tat she fear of distance n separation....
she fear we'll be separated..
i cant describe,i dunno how to describe...
but i know...
在数学节时唱得很爽,结果Pn Nurummi叫我们出去(笑!)
一个月里,McDonaldX 2,Secret RecipeX 2,Pizza HutX2..(大概)
why all so big 0.0??
one u again.
sooo, i accompany zhiqi to go to one u again! LOL
its quite boring today, nothing to do, just walked around.
until we met weizhong!!
hahahaa, hes soooo damn funny!
we forced him to pay money for the tokens! =p
hmm, not arcade, dont misunderstanding!!!!
is the thingy beside the escalator that go to gsc want!
yeaaa!! is it!! =p
we played like small children!
i knowww, its kinda childish!
but who cares?
as long as we are happy! Hee. =p
weizhong and zhiquan went to bowling.
then we went home lurrr.
eddy's daddy fetched! lalala~
seth teman me wait at the garden thr!! HAHAHA!!
and i prank msg someone! Hee. =p
To the unknown in the chatbox:
did i say i like someone? who? kitty? when? LOL
even i lik someone that doesnt like me back,
its not weird okayy?
anyways, its non of your business right?
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Saturday, June 12, 2010
yay! we finished it! lalala~
left the memorize part lorrr! =p
oh noooooooo!!!!
i cant get to see and talk to kitty until wednesday night! ><
gotta call him and wake him up to talk to me! =p
i know im evil~ but.....
whatever larr~ Hee. =p
junyau, he hugs me larrr, not i hug him!!!! =p
Friday, June 11, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
happy birthday!
you're officially 16 now!!! =p
sweet sixteen! Hee.
happy birthday chihsiang.
you're officially 18 now!
sweet eighteen.
happy always!
dont worry,be happy!
this is what you've taught me.
i remember it!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
awww, its really boring!!!
sit at there and do nothing! ><
but i get paid! Hee. =p
since theres nothing happened for me to write,
i'll just talk crap huh?
no one teman me chitchat! ><
weizhong and yungjack are going to transfer school after this holiday!
sooooo, i think i'll attend the farewell party no matter what!
because weizhong are migrating to indonesia!
i dont think i still can meet him in a short while,
-too badd, i think kitty cant attend, hes going to vacation, only come back at wednesday night!
the movies i watched this few days:
1. prince of persia
2. mamarduke
3. happy go lucky
4. a nightmare on elm street *18above*
the movies i havent watch:
1. karate kid
2. toy story3
3. killers
gotta catch these movies next week!!!
kitty, i want you. Hee. =p
im going to BSD club on saturday to discuss the oral test thingy with evelynn!
soooo that i got enough time to prepare/memorize!
gambatte everyone!!!!! =p
me,kitty,junyau,sam, yesheng and joshii! =p
reached one u around 10am! so darn early! LOL
had our breakfast at KFC!!
but me and sam bought sushi!
idontlikeKFC! ><
after joshii gets his burger, he says: this is the smallest burger i ever seen!
yaya, its damn small, thats why i think its not worth and i dont like it! LOL
-kitty loves it!*
all of us want to watch nightmare on elm street sooo BADLY!
sooo, yesterday i booked the tickets online! =p
met phuiyee, caroline,natalie, audrey and i dontknow what hers name! *sorry*
went to redeem the tickets before i went to watch happy go lucky!
all of them went to watch prince of persia d! ><
hmm, i was soooo damn nervous that time, and wanted to act like mature girl! hahahaa
the worker asked, all are 18above arrr? i just nodded my head! lalala~ *pretending*
yay! i get the tickets without any checking process! =p
we go in separately, me and kitty, sam,junyau and yesheng! =p
the worker didn check alsooo! LOL
made me sooo damn worry! hmmp.
i heard got someone in the cinema says: i thought this movie is 18 want?
hahahaaa!!! =p
sam keep on talking during the movie! LOL
and laugh so loud during the scary parts! LOL
blah blah blahh~
i screamed twice!!! really scream! hmm, cause the ''gardener'' suddenly pop out! ><
according to kitty, i punched him at the last scene!
*dont wanna recall the movie! ><*
actually those scary parts i block with my hand lurr! ><
kitty helped me to block too! Hee. =p
sooo, im not really remember. LOL
its scary though!
but for sam,junyau they all, this is a funny horror movie!
WTH!!! ><
overall for today,
i really enjoyed! =p
sorry liern and smiin!
cant get to teman you guys to watch that movie! ><
Sunday, June 6, 2010
im in the shop and do nothing now.
im thinking buy what present for oscar.
guitar picks?
i dont know which want he likes larr!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
first day of holiday~
went to mamak stall with liern(laopo) and smiin(babee)
enjoyed! =p
then liern's grandpa sent me to jln.ara--facial~ =p
must enjoy our life marr~
went to one u,
watched prince of persia with my sissy and hockkuan!!
*i know i know! im light bulb!*
princess tamina~!!! im just inlove with her!
damn SOK! smexxy babee~ =p *sounds pervert!*
hahahaha! =p
prince of persia~ kinda niceee~!!
went to the curve~
dinner at the steamboat~
damn nicee larr! tomyam~ =p
my mum,sissy bought lots of shirt just now!
cause FOS got warehouse sale!
3big plastic bags man!!! OMG!
damn cheap! =p
but need to pay cash! sooo cacat!! ><
going to one u again!!!
with kitty! Hee. =p
we're going to watch a nightmare on elm street!
i scare i cant fall asleep tomorrow night! LOL! ><
buttttttt, DONT CARE LARRR! =p
monday,thursday and friday im goin to work! =p
tuesday got tuition! left wednesday damn free!
hmmp. but im still going out on that day!
but dont know with who! LOL
Friday, June 4, 2010
until now, i still cant believe that i studied the whole month!!!
for this ONLY midterm! LOL
alot of things pack in the first week of holiday! LOL
monday: gotta work *part-time*
tuesday: tuition *half day!*
wednesday: maybe wanna hangout with dontknowwho! *havent plan yet, i just wanna go out!*
thursday:work again!
friday: not sure, if dont have any activity, im goin to work LOL!
bankrupt d! i NEED MONEY!!!! =p
second week, kitty's not around.
must plan something to do!!
i wanna go redbox!!! HAHAHAAA!!
gwen, okay? lets GO! =p
bad news: after holiday, got ULBS, so called oral test!!!
OMG! this time is pair work! *interview*
my partner is evelynn!!
*pressure!* her english is damn goooood!
anyways, practice makes perfect!
soooooo, im goin to practice like hell, so that i wont make her get low marks together with me!
seeee, it proves that imma GOOD person! Hee. =p
BERTANGGUNGJAWAB, kesanggupan diri seseorang untuk memikul atau melaksanakan tugas serta kewajipan dengan sempurna!
OMG, those moral values still stuck in my head!!!
gotta shake it out! =p
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
我们都变了,以前是怎样 ,都不再重要。
screwed addmaths! ><
officially, say buh-bye to my A+,addmaths!! ><
nevermind, i still have accounts! *best of luck to me!!*
holiday is coming!! yay!
i am going to watch prince of persia this friday night, maybe?
depends on my sissy's schedule! *maybe she has something else to do that time!* ><
i think i better start planning my holiday now!
because, second week, kitty is not around! LOL! hes goin to vacation!
so nice right! sooooo imma goin to watch ip man2 this sunday!
yaya! i know its kinda late to watch it now! i dont know what movie to choose d marr! LOL
i wanna watch fury vengeance actually! but then, its not showing anymore! ><
next wednesday, sam,ben,junyau,kitty and me are going to watch nightmare on elm street! Hee. =p
i heard sam and junyau made a bet that, i wont be follow you guys out this time!
everyone seems like love to bet now huh?!! im a GOOD GIRL! i dont bet~ lalala~
sam lost the bet! AHAHAHA!! cause i wanna watch nightmare on elm street!
but kitty promised them d! soooo, no choice lurr!!!
movie that i want to watch during this holiday:
1. prince of persia
2. ipman2
3. nightmare on elm street
4. karate kid
5. toy story3
maybe thats summore~ but i dont remember lerr! LOL!
im totally bankrupt now!
i want money!!! ><
we used to stick together now.
wondering when we cant stick together anymore, what will happens?
Sunday, May 30, 2010
funny bet
the bet is, oscar will ask a girl that kitty picked for him to have lunch together,
then kitty will pay for them.
If the girl doesnt want to have lunch together, then oscar counted as fail the bet!
he needs to pay for kitty!
oscar lost the bet!
he needs to belanja all of us, because he wants to delay the bet until this week.
soooo, today he belanja all of us lurr! HAHAAAA!
after that, i made a bet with joshua tooo!
i'll ask a guy to have lunch together!
if he agrees then joshii will pay for me!
suddenly i saw zhiqi's bro,sherwu!
then i say i pick this guy! HAHAHAA! =p
but then too bad, he went down with his friends to have lunch d!
sooo i say next time lorr! hahaa
when we wanna go back, then i saw sherwu and his friend walking to the canteen.
we're goin to canteen tooo, kitty and oscar wanna eat! LOL
then i tell joshua, if i go to flirt the guy then he'll belanja me.
sherwu was paying money that time, then i straight away walk to him and talk to him!
i saw his face was shocked! LOL!
i say, i belanja you this soya larrr!!
then he showed me a shy shy face and say no need larrr! HAAHAHA!
sooooo damn cutee weihh!!
i know cute is not a compliment for guys, but then it at least better than adorable right! =p
soooooo the main point of this post is,
sherwu is CUTE when hes shy!!! HAHAHAAAA! =p
Saturday, May 29, 2010
but, we stil have to go to tuition! ><
summore is in the morning,8o'clock!!!!! LOL!
something happened after tuition, was in adler's house!
i was staring at his house's aquarium, which is full of gold fish! damn cuteeee! =p
suddenly a gold fish which is upside down and floating comes into my sight view!
then i was damn shocked!
me: AHHHHH! Adler! Your fish is dead!!
*Adler went in and check out.*
Adler: heyy, its not dead. It just doesn't float well.
adler, your sooooo CUTEE! =p
after that we went to MCD to study! LOL!
met some new friends there!
a lenglui, noelle!!!
shes darn sexy and kinda pretty! WOOOOOOTS~ =p
nice to meet herrr! Hee. =p
today, we went to library AGAIN!
seeee, how rajin i am! =p
my sis followed us toooo~
lunch time, we went to a half coffee shop,half mamak shop to have our lunch!
my sis and oscar ordered roti hawaii, hotdogs,egg,bacon,pineapple is wrapped by roti canai! HAHAHAAA!!! taste good!
i ordered nasi goreng chicken chop! WOOOOTS~ damn nicee! and special!
kitty and joshii ordered something which is consider normal, spaghetti with cabonara sauce! LOL!
drinks for me and sis was honeydew special! =p iLOVEhoneydew!!!!!!
joshii finish his milo ice within 1mins! LOL! how fast is he!!!!!!
have a nice day today!
i love to spend my time with you guys, seriously!!!
i know all of us are enjoyed!! Hee. =p
PS: my sis's driving skill frightened all of them! =p
there is a video and some pictures wanna share at hereee! =p!/photo.php?pid=1216722&id=1040786922
Thursday, May 27, 2010
❤ 珍惜你身边那个爱生气的女人
* 她总是问:你在哪?你干什么呢?
- 她很关心你,只是想跟你说说话;你不给她发信息,她很矛盾, 怕你在忙,但又忍不住想你..换了别人,爱干嘛就干嘛, 她根本不会去关心..所以请你一有时间就问候她一下, 让她放心,让她知道你心里有她..她总是主动联系你,她会觉得她贱!
* 她说:天冷了,记得多穿衣服 ~
- 不要嫌她烦,不要说她像你妈,你妈妈有时可能都比不上她对你的关心..换了别人,冻死也不关她的事!她知道你不傻,她只想让你知道她心里有你!
* 她说:我不高兴了
- 不要怪她无理取闹,她不是真的不开心,只是想你了,只是想要你几句安慰的话:乖 ~ 别闹了!
* 她总说自己又胖了或者长得不够漂亮
- 不要觉得她嫉妒别人,她只是怕在你眼中不够完美!
* 她总说你看谁谁谁他们怎么怎么样
- 不要说她贪慕虚荣,总羡慕别人,她只是想让你知道怎样做能使她高兴!
* 她说你看谁多有钱,长得多帅
- 你不用生气,在她眼里,你是最好的,她只是想让你为了她努力奋斗!
* 她不分场合的抱你
- 她不是炫耀什么,只是想让别人知道你俩有多好!
* 她总说她会帮你,让你有事找她
- 其实她知道她帮不了你什么,她只想让你知道你还有她,她永 远在你身边陪你!
* 不论是过马路还是走在哪,她用手死死拽住你的胳臂
- 不要说她粘人,她只是告诉你她信任你!
* 她总是走在你的左边
- 不要说她多事,她只是想离你的心更近一些!
* 她看到你跟别的女生亲近一些就会生气
- 别说她小气,不信任你,她其实是在吃醋,这表示她十分在乎你!
* 她爱忧伤,爱掉泪
- 别怪她多愁善感,她只是缺乏安全感,你要知道,她很少会为别人流泪!
* 在买东西时她总征求你的意见
- 别说她没主见,依赖你,她只是尊重你,凡事以你为先!
* 出去吃饭,她吃得很少说吃不了,让你替她吃
- 别说她挑食或者浪费,她只是怕你吃不饱!
* 买东西她总买便宜的
- 别说她小气,她只是想为你省钱!
* 给你买东西,总买贵的
- 你可能不需要,不喜欢,但别怪她浪费,她只是想告诉你她可要把最好的留给你!
* 跟你在一起总爱玩失踪
- 别说她淘气,吓唬你,她只是爱看你急着找她的样子,证明一下她对你来说是重要的!
* 她总假装生气转身离开
- 记住,她不是真地想走,离开时想要被挽留!
* 她会突然冷淡你,或向你撒娇
- 别怪她孩子气,她只是想让你哄哄她!
❤ 永远不会发脾气的女人就如 同一杯白开水 -- 解渴,却无味!
* 你迟到,她向你发脾气
- 是因为她紧张你,她怕你出了什么意外!
* 你抽烟,她向你发脾气
- 是因为她担心你的身体健康!
* 你喝酒,她向你发脾气
- 是因为她担心你酒醉后没有人照顾,更 怕你在酒吧会出什么事,留下她一个人!
* 你身上被发现有别的女人香,她向你发脾气
- 是因为她在乎你,你是她的所有,她不想跟别人分亨你!
* 你忘记她的生日,她向你发脾气
- 是因为她对你有所期待,她并不会要求一个陌生人记住她的生日!
❤ 女人是最讲理的动物,她的脾气往往导因于各式各样的理由!
❤ 女人也是最不讲理的动物,她的理由经常令人无法理解!
❤ 女人可以为了一件小得不能再小的事,发一场大得不能再大的脾气,因为女人对身边的男人有所要求,有所期望,所以常常会失望;失落..
❤ 身边有个会向你发脾气的女人,其实是一件多么幸福的事 !
而身边有一个会让自己发脾气的男人,对女人是最大的折磨,也是莫大的幸福 !
❤ 假如有一天,她不在为你生气 ..
❤ 当有一天,女人不在对男人发脾气的时候,那么一切就即将结束了!
exam week!
but each week i get one day holiday! Hee. =p
tomorrow is wesak day and next week tuesday is mandarin exam!
so i'll just go to library with the gang again! =p
dont go soooo far first! LOL
tomorrow imma going to adler's house to tt and then only go to MCD to study!
seeee, imma RAJIN girl, dont say im lazy d larrr! HAHAHAAAA! =p
missyou missyou! =p
Sunday, May 23, 2010
and you felt annoying.
im really sick of that! WTF!
sometimes i might wondering why i bother sooooo MUCH! ><
they can change even one second,
sooooo, make sure you accompany her all the time.
you fail!
the curve,
went away alone.
walked around,target-less.
saw a piano performance in the curve.
i didn know that you will give up so easily.
you made my day dull.
ate ice cream to make me feel better,
2MCD's ice cream and 1 matcha's ice cream!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
we're still friend! =p
the glittering days-15episodes!!!
-LOVE- [ not in the mood to study! >< ]
Friday, May 21, 2010
exam timeeee
im not in the mood to study lerrr.
maybe im just used to be lazy girl d, didn put much effort in this exam.
wonder when am i gonna be more hardworking,love to study?
probably after secondary school?
cause no need to study something i dont like anymore!
althought it has alot of assignment to do in college.
i wanna study in aus or somewhere else, but not malaysia!
seriously, i dont like malaysia's college or even university,
because it doesnt look like an university.
maybe im just too much of novel, good imagination huh?! HAA
kayy, stop crapping!
phys is the first subj of the mid term.
wonder whos the one who arranged the timetable? obviously, shes suck!
yesterday, i was watching drama-the glittering days, until 9pm. watched 3episode! =p
since im not in the mood to study yet, i called kitty! Hee. =p
after that only i started to study! HAAA! *everyone knows that imma lazy girl! =p*
10something, felt kinda tired, then went to sleep! [im soooooo RELAX huh! =x ]
msged kitty to wake me up whe hes awake, cause hes doing the same thing too--go to sleep first and study early in the morning!
actually i set alarm d, ring at 12am. but......i set 12pm! >< *damn blur that time*
luckily when 3am, kitty wake me up! HAAA~
studied from 3.15 until 4.30am! cant tahan d, then went to sleep again!
-i dont usually drink coffee, but today i bought it and bring it to school! w0w!miracle!!! =p
total time i studied phys yest is 2hours ++
think im cool huh?!
actually, i've spammed phys at wed and thurs!
went to tt for 3hours each day, means 6hours!!!!
i found that physics is not that worse larrr, is the teacher makes me feel like that!
thanks to the SCHOOL TEACHER!!!!
end up, i think im gonna get C or B? say bye to A............
nevermind, just put more effort on next exam, or end year exam!
anyways, my motto is still the same!
monthly test is for you to fail, after few times you failed, then you will get used to it! it doesnt matter if you fail the exam, as long as you can score in SPM,its more than enough d!! -dr.fong- i salute you! im gonna miss you!
today is friday, soooooo kitty's mum is sending me home.
and yet, kitty forgot today is fri!
he straight away walked down after exam! ><
luckily his mum haven go, if not........... HAHAAAA! * i didn bring my phone.*
sometimes i do hate you, but i like you is definately more than sometimes!
is it sweet? yeaaa! =p
-LOVE- [im still not in the mood to study! how? ]
Saturday, May 15, 2010
most of the students are goin to tt, why?
because school teachers are USELESS!!! most of it! PS:not all the teachers!
dont get me wrong huh!
absent isnt a big deal!
and pls larrr!
we're goin to school to learn right!
since i cant learn anything in school, but in tt!
why not i just skip school and go to tt!
you say no logic?
dont live in your own world lar pls!
even chong hwa's teacher not 100% good okay!
i go to tt, is to get good result not go to play or hangout at somewhere else!
i want to get good result too! who doesnt want to!
i dont really understand what the teachers talking about, okay?!
i didn say dr.xxxx not good enough!
its just that i found a lesser students' tt, and i can understand exactly what hes trying to say, so why not i change to this tt?!
the purpose im goin to tt, is to get a better result right?!
you say i join all the tt what kitty had joined?!
LOL! eventhough we're goin to the same tt, we didn talk in the class, SO WHAT?!
you dont believe me, thats the point huh?!
do you think im the only one is goin to that tt?!
you want everyone to match up with my time, they dont need to tt huh?!
i know you pay, but you think how much your paying?
dont think its a huge amount, okay?!
you both are just tooooo outdated?
and dont believe me. THATS ALL!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
new experience! 13/5/2010
get lots of medicine LOL!
1antibodies, 1 allergy medicine, 3 cream and 1 is to rinse my legs! HAHAAA!
2packets arrrrr!!!
im goin back once again in the end of june!
to do a patch test!
patch test is to see which materials that im allergy to.
soooooo, maybe i can skip school for a week? if i dont want to go!
❤ you'll be there for me whenever i need you!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
theres the conversation:
can u speak english
u know ure so beatiful
can u be my g.f.
i got bf d
ahhhhhh do uhave relatives or neibors have no b.f
xxxx xxx
thats gil
i mean girl
ok isee u later
What a weird person huh!
days! -short updates-
kitty has flu,
i convinced him to eat the medicine, so called sneezing medicine.
actually its medicine for fever. LOL
i told him after he ate the medicine..................... LOL
he didn come at the next day!
today went to library with kitty and friend.
kitty helped me in my essay! Hee.
but then, the essay is only 431WORDS!!! LOL
WTH!!! still got 600words to go!! URGHHH!!!
spent half day to write the essay and add maths!! LOL
eat one hour. LOL
walk to somewhere kinda far to eat, cause the cafeteria thr is closed! LOL
you say we arent like couple....
hahahaaa! =p
you didn see we both in the class lurrr!
i always stick with him, seriously! Hee. =p
i ❤LOVE to spend my day with him! =p
Thursday, April 29, 2010
walk out from his life, perhaps i dont even walk in before.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
big suprise~!!!! =p
then i called kitty to accept the request!!!
i think its a kinda big suprise to all of you!!!! =p
9ppl like it huh?!!!
hahaha! LOL
why you wanna belanja him??!!!
gotta ask you tmr!!! =p
you really like szexian's sis????
Saturday, April 10, 2010
yay! BSD CLUB!
the line is sooooo DARN fast!!
much more faster than my hse's line!!!!
the streamyx is upgrading something at my area thr.
thats why the line become sooooooo SLOW!!! ><
Thursday, April 8, 2010
my experiment's report! =p
maybe im just tooooooo BORING! ><
name : kxixh
age : hes officially 16 on 29th dxx
gender : male and i think hes half gay d?
relationship status : is in a relationship with kailing!!! TeeHee. =p
phone number : 012-xxxxxxx / 03-xxxxxxxx
house add : 17, jalan xxxxxx xxxxxx,xxxxxxxx
weight : 50 to 55kg
favourite quatation : i deny everythin and admit nothing!
1. he doesnt like to eat vegetable!
2. he loves to eat cendol , curry flavor's maggi mee , KFC! , MCD , A&W , pizzahut , mr.potato sour cream's flavor , roti canai double telur , egg , nasi lemak! and BANANA~!
3. he loves to sleep in the class. and i love to interrupt or annoy him during these time!
4. he loves to say ''wo bu cheng ren(chinese)'' which means i deny it nowadays.
5. he loves anime. *some interesting want!*
6. he doesnt know how to cook fried egg, because he doesnt know how to turn on the gas! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
his characteristic:
1. sarcasm
2. narcissism *hes super duper PERASAN!!!*
3. half gay! or monk?
4. ego! *he thinks hes always correct! ><*
the report is temporary done! =p
will continue it later when i found out something new! TeeHee! =p
Sunday, April 4, 2010
clash of the titans! =p
hmm. for me, the show is still okay lorrr. hahah
i prefer those ''childish'' show act! =p
walked for an hour just to find the levi's store. hahaha
but when i reached thr, suddenly no mood to shop d. ><><
then i pulled him along to meet zhiqi again!
but then, we just gathered for 10mins.
nvm, next time hangout again! =p
Friday, April 2, 2010
me,keith and zhiqi are goin thr at 10am.
the movie starts at 12.10pm.
back at 3pm!
everyone got their different time!
dont know how to arrange everything for them!
this proof that less ppl go is better! =x
clash of the titans are all fully booked in GSC and CINEPLEX!
sooo, the only cinema left is TGV.
no choice, we have to watch there again!
its quite pack act! LOL!
whatever! as long as i can go thr [ ou ]!
wanna buy few things!!! =p
woooots! levi's jeans and comics~~~~ =p
Thursday, April 1, 2010
happy april fool! =p
confess to someone FACE TO FACE!!
i know im crazy! *you might think that its not crazy at all. LOL*
one year once, soooooooo who cares~ =p
hmm. act i just wanna jot down what i did on this MEMORABLE day. =p
Thursday, March 25, 2010
izzit because of keith, you dont like me??
really curious why you hate me.
i dont even talk to you more than 5times, i think?
i dont care if you wanna scold me with you friends or whatever!
im just wondering WHY!!!
my attitude? or i always find keith?
i can tell you that keith DONT like me! understand?
soooooo no need to jealous?
i hope its just my guess and not the truth,
although my rational tells me that its truth d, no doubt on it?
i dont like him anyways.
yes, i like him as a FRIEND! but not LOVE!
- he might be a good friend, but not a good BOYfriend! -
im not annoyed,
sooooo if you all are still think that i like him, i also dont mind derr. LOL